I left for Newtown, CT to work with some of the K-6 grade teachers with my props and materials safely packed, my music stored in the pocket of my suitcase, my handouts ready, my flash drive with my presentation safely tucked away in my purse, and my emotions jitter bugging inside me.  Would I really […]

  There are times when you are faced with a situation that requires you to do what you have to do.  The recent snowstorm, Nemo, that hit New England, was one of those times for me.  I arrived in Providence, RI on Thursday, February 7th,  the day before the storm was due to hit, knowing […]

We’ ve all have heard that we should ‘be in the moment,’ or ‘enjoy each moment to the fullest.’  This advice for living may sound trite, overused, but there is great truth in those words for one never knows when the moments will end.   When three generations of my immediate family gathered in Florida […]

The start of a new calendar year brings with it the opportunity to make some changes in your classroom.  You may have rearranged your students’ desks, created a new bulletin board, or developed a new interest center that supports a new unit of study.  Starting fresh in the new year always feels good and generates […]

The nation is in mourning.  The recent loss of 20 children and 6 adults is unfathomable.  How could such a thing happen?  Those of us left are at a loss for words to express the overwhelming grief and compassion we feel for the families of the victims and the community of Newtown, Connecticut.  We each […]

“It’s all about the heart.”  Those words came to me some years ago during a meditation.  At the time, I felt it meant that one should live and act from the heart.  Be kind, caring, helpful to those in one’s life.  Now, some years later, I have come to know that there is a greater, […]

Balancing yoga postures have never been the easiest postures for me, but I was drawn to try Warrior III while at Ogonquit Beach in Ogonquit, Maine just to see if I could hold the posture with sand, sea, and breeze beneath and around me.   I was standing on pretty firm sand but my foot […]

Be Prepared.  How many times have you heard that?  Maybe you first heard that phrase as a girl scout or boy scout, or perhaps, from your mother or father when a child, who heard it from their scout leader.  I would guess that phrase goes back even further in time.   ‘Be prepared’ is very […]

Have you ever watched a crane, egret or heron walk?  They are very slow and deliberate with each step that they take. (See  egret pictured above.)  Each foot touches the earth or the water bottom with strong softness.  The strength lies in their long, thin legs that support their seemingly top-heavy  bodies.   They place […]

Having been home from my time in Florida for a month now, I find that I really appreciate the forced slow-down I had while there.  I appreciate it even more now that I am back into my usual, busyness.  Don’t get me wrong, I love being busy, doing my work, but I recognize that slowing […]