It’s been much too long since I’ve written a new blog post, but there just didn’t seem to be anything special that I wanted to say. At this time, the tide has turned, for I now have something that is important to me, important to share with as many as I can. It’s about […]
The nation is in mourning. The recent loss of 20 children and 6 adults is unfathomable. How could such a thing happen? Those of us left are at a loss for words to express the overwhelming grief and compassion we feel for the families of the victims and the community of Newtown, Connecticut. We each […]
The start of the new school year is fast approaching. Some school districts know what their instructional plan is going to be; others are still trying to put it together. No matter where your school district is in this process, there is more than enough angst for parents and their children related to Covid-19 as it relates […]
“You don’t have to be the tallest tree in the forest.” Those words came as a message for me from Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona, M.D., psychiatrist, and Native American healer in ceremony the last day of a week-long healing workshop some time ago. How did I know the message was for me? I knew because as he said […]
From time to time during the Covid-19 stay-at home orders, I have had a number of dreams of two types. One is where I have lost my purse that has all of my money, insurance cards, credit cards, and most importantly, my driver’s license, my identification, in it. I search all over, retracing my steps but am […]