Peaceable Yoga

Sandy doing Warrior II at the edge of the pond.

Kripalu trained, Sandy brings heart-centered compassion to her yoga teaching.  She focuses on creating a safe class teaching proper alignment, coordinating breath with movement, offering posture options, and considering her student’s physical, health, and energetic conditions.  Techniques for integrating body, mind, and spirit bring a deeper, inner dimension to her student’s yoga.  Gentle encouragement is offered each student to find their edge (safe limit) and explore through micro movements, teacher assistance, and prana (the breath) their fullest expression of a posture.  Feeling “peaceable aliveness” is the outcome of taking one of Sandy’s private yoga, yoga therapy sessions or classes.

Currently, Sandy teaches a Gentle Kripalu Yoga class at Open Space Yoga in Nashua. NH on Monday evenings from 6-7:15 p.m and Tuesday mornings from 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.  To find out more, go to the Events Calendar.  If these times do not fit your schedule, and you have a group of interested friends, we’ll see if a class time and venue can be found.

For further information or to arrange private yoga or yoga therapy sessions contact Sandy at