“It’s all about the heart.” Those words came to me some years ago during a meditation. At the time, I felt it meant that one should live and act from the heart. Be kind, caring, helpful to those in one’s life. Now, some years later, I have come to know that there is a greater, […]
Balancing yoga postures have never been the easiest postures for me, but I was drawn to try Warrior III while at Ogonquit Beach in Ogonquit, Maine just to see if I could hold the posture with sand, sea, and breeze beneath and around me. I was standing on pretty firm sand but my foot […]
The start of the new school year is fast approaching. Some school districts know what their instructional plan is going to be; others are still trying to put it together. No matter where your school district is in this process, there is more than enough angst for parents and their children related to Covid-19 as it relates […]
“You don’t have to be the tallest tree in the forest.” Those words came as a message for me from Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona, M.D., psychiatrist, and Native American healer in ceremony the last day of a week-long healing workshop some time ago. How did I know the message was for me? I knew because as he said […]
From time to time during the Covid-19 stay-at home orders, I have had a number of dreams of two types. One is where I have lost my purse that has all of my money, insurance cards, credit cards, and most importantly, my driver’s license, my identification, in it. I search all over, retracing my steps but am […]