The start of the new school year is fast approaching.  Some school districts know what their instructional plan is going to be; others are still trying to put it together.  No matter where your school district is in this process, there is more than enough angst for parents and their children related to Covid-19 as it relates […]

“We’re all one family under one sky. We’re a family under one sky. No matter what differences we have….” Those are words from a song that my grandson’s, diverse kindergarten class performed recently.  How true those words are.  We are all human beings, one family, with differences, living under one sky on our precious Mother Earth, […]

In school, as in life, learning doesn’t always happen immediately.  Sometimes it takes making mistakes more than once for learning to happen.  I’ve been inspired to write about this after reading an essay by Errol Sowers a friend and spiritual teacher at The Stillpoint Foundation who wrote on this subject just recently.  Errol calls our […]

Now that your children are off to school, you may have more time to yourself, which can be a bit of a downer at first when you have been so busy and accustomed to being with your children during the summer months.  Other parents are more rushed because they now have their kids’ school and […]

Summer vacation time is almost here for most educators, and for some, it may have already arrived.  It’s a time to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.  Certainly, being removed from the day-to-day pressures of getting projects completed, report cards done, and your materials packed away for the summer is an immediate  help in de-stressing.   […]

I just returned from the Yoga in the Schools Symposium at the Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts.   Some amazing people from around the country and Canada met to discuss how we might expand the yoga in the schools movement.  We heard from researchers, school superintendents, principals, classroom teachers, yoga teachers, ocupatinal therapists, and program […]

  The new year is fresh, just begun.  For many of us it came in with great gusto and record breaking temeperatures.  For some of us, it comes with the making of new year’s resolutions such as:  I’m going to start that long, overdue diet this year; I’m going to ask for the raise I […]

How many of you find it hard to “make time” for yourselves?   Yes, there is work, the kids’ activities, the grocery shopping, taking the car to the garage, any number of chores that must get done.  Our lives often seem to lack space for us to care of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual […]