Just before the new year, I was with a friend who asked me, ”What’s your word for the new year?”  She wanted to know what word would be my torch, my guiding light, my intention for the new year.  She had hers, letting go. I didn’t have an answer for her at that moment.  I […]

  The new year is fresh, just begun.  For many of us it came in with great gusto and record breaking temeperatures.  For some of us, it comes with the making of new year’s resolutions such as:  I’m going to start that long, overdue diet this year; I’m going to ask for the raise I […]

The last sentence of an article I recently read on the Intent Blog written by Debra Moffitt was,”Every action counts.”  For some reason those words have clung to me like a burr that catches hold of your pant leg and travels home with you after a walk through a meadow of tall grasses.  This sentence […]